
An invitation to you

The walking route will be under constant development. The stories and images may bring back memories of events that took place so many years ago. And if you've only recently come to live or work in Bezuidenhout, you may be slightly surprised when you walk around the neighbourhood, and wonder about the history of the old buildings. We like to invite you to share your stories and questions with us as well.

We want to continue adding, and where possible improving, the website. Do you have any suggestions regarding topics for articles or additions to existing text, photos, movies or sound recordings? Please tell us about them by filling in your details below. If you leave us your email address, we will contact you shortly and tell you what we have done with your remarks. Would you like to actively participate in the further development of the walking route and website? You are very welcome to join us!

The 3 March '45 Foundation seeks to remember the sacrifices that were made during WWII and to show respect for those that were affected by the bombing of Bezuidenhout on 3 March 1945. We want to visualise for the youth of today and for the new generations the story of this great disaster and the consequences for Bezuidenhout. The Foundation is entirely dependent on donations for its activities. If you are sympathetic to the work of the Foundation, your financial contribution would be greatly appreciated. You can make your donation to bank account number NL51 INGB 0006930916 for the account of 'Stichting 3 maart 45'.

Secretariat: Jacob Mosselstraat 75, 2595 RG Den Haag, the Netherlands

E. | I.

Contact form

Thanks for your message. We get in touch with you as soon as possible!

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