Intersection in ruins

From 'Wervelaantje' toll road, with beautiful trees in the aisle, to the busy main arterial road that it is today.

Intersection Laan van NOI and Juliana van Stolberglaan in ruins

A toll road, the Wervelaantje, passed this intersection in the seventeenth century, leading to Huis de Werve in Voorburg. The construction of Bezuidenhout was so far advanced in 1894 that the road was widened and renamed Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië, after the nearby inn 'Nieuw Oost-Inje'. Large mansions were constructed along the 'Laan van NOI', as it was popularly known, starting from the Bezuidenhoutseweg.

The amount of traffic increased rapidly after the tolls were abolished in 1928. The avenue had to be modified to deal with the increasing flow of cars, even before the war. The row of trees, that dated back to the start of the century, was cleared in 1938 and the avenue became a thoroughfare.

The Juliana van Stolberg recovery center was across the street − the corner building in the left-hand photo. This house was converted to a shop for luxury household items and toys in 1934. The Reformed Christus Triumfator Church was built on this site in 1961. Some of the pre-war grandeur of Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië can still be seen between Juliana van Stolberglaan and Schenkkade.

Editor: Stichting 3 maart '45

Comments form eyewitnesses

"in night dress up slippers"

From the diary of Mrs M.J. Lagaay-Braam, 30 years old at the time of the bombing.
'There was a heavy mist of chalk dust in the street... Three of us were under the stairs in the hallway, awaiting our fate. We expected the end to come at any moment... Outside people ran in panic towards Voorburg, many of them still in their nightclothes and slippers, in utter confusion. With the baby in the pram, covered by blankets and other odds and ends, we fled to Voorburg with just our bicycle and a suitcase, together with thousands of other people.'
From the diary of Mrs M.J. Lagaay-Braam, 30 years old at the time of the bombing.
Fragments of essay from Anneke Clementine-van Ravenswaaij 1 March 1946, she was 20 year old during the bombing
‘Tomorrow’ we wouldn’t have a house anymore … ‘Here we were, the four of us back under the staircase, our heads together to make sure that if a bomb fell on our house we would all be killed at the same time. ... By then it was dark and that meant no bombing for the day. … We were all exhausted and fell asleep instantly, even without blankets. The next day, we would start again early. We didn’t know then that ‘tomorrow’ we wouldn’t have a house anymore, because the next day would be the third of March.’
Fragments of essay from Anneke Clementine-van Ravenswaaij 1 March 1946, she was 20 year old during the bombing
Before the bombardment
After the bombardment
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